Outdoor Skincare

Love the Great Outdoors the Natural Way with Garden of Wisdom.

Whether you want to avoid those pesky biting bugs, soothe a sunburn, or get a gorgeous, glowing tan, we can help you do it naturally, without worries about your or your family’s safety.

Our essential oil rich Stop Buggin’ Me formulas help to make you a no bite zone, while Kool Majik Rescue Gel provides a refreshing calm for ingrown hairs, bug bites and irritated skin from too much time in the sun. And, our natural self-tanners can help you achieve that sun-kissed look without the UV dangers.

So, love the outdoors again thanks to nature’s rich gifts found in every bottle of Garden of Wisdom.

Garden of Wisdom Kissed By The Sun Self-Tanning Liquid is an excellent option for those who are becoming so aware...
With people becoming so aware of the dangers long-term sun exposure and sunburns can/will cause, they are turning...
This serum was tested by one of our forum moderators while she was visiting family in Asia. She...
This formula is designed with children in mind and is very mild with a delightful scent. Although this...
A natural, chemical and toxin free alternative to the typical store-bought bug repellent spray. A gentle mix of...
$4.10 $2.05