We sell ingredients with the understanding that you are obligated to do your research and understand the 
components of each ingredient you are purchasing.

                               Please read our Liability Disclaimer

We cannot be held liable for misuse of the ingredients that we supply. We do supply the following information -

  • Suggested Percentage of Use
  • Solubility
  • Purity
  • Shelf Life
  • Any Safety Considerations
  1. Some ingredients do not have a specific amount to use, and it is up to the discretion of the formulator.
  2. We don't regularly keep CoA and MSDS on hand. We are a small company that primarily supplies to small companies or DIY (Do it Yourself), and we go through oils pretty quickly as we do not buy in large bulk amounts.
  3. Keeping this information on hand for these files would require us to hire more people to update it. We would have to raise our prices to compensate. We don't want to increase our prices, and most customers have not asked for this information, so we want to keep everything simple.
  4. We do charge a fee for any files that are required. Please email us to find out more.
  5. Note about Essential Oils - please thoroughly research Essential Oils before using them. They are not meant to be used neat (despite what other sites or books might say). Severe sensitization can occur, and it is not reversible. 
         Email Us for References.
  6. Note about Carrier Oils - most carrier oils can be used 100%, although some are rich, and you may desire to dilute them. Testing, researching, and experiencing them for yourself can be very helpful. Please don't keep the dropper that comes with the oil in the essential oil. The oil can eventually soak into the rubber dropper and "dissolve" it. We are changing our glass bottles to have caps instead of droppers as we run through stock.

Email Us if you need resources to learn about Formulating or Essential Oils.

Finished Products

To read more about products in relation to whether they are vegan or not, please read this article -