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Spotlight on DMAE!
By Jen Flanagan

What is DMAE? DMAE is an organic compound found in small amounts in the brain and also is found in larger amounts in certain types of fish. DMAE is available as a supplement in its bitartrate form and in an amine version for cosmetic formulators. It is related to choline and is a chemical precursor to acetylcholine which is used by the brain to function properly. Because of this it is known to have a Nootropic effect. (Nootropic means improving human cognitive ability)

As a supplement DMAE is well known as being able to help brain function and issues with the nervous system. In skin care, its use has been for firming, lifting, or helping to stop sagging skin. Hence it has an anti-aging effect. Most who use DMAE topically find it has an immediate plumping effect. Long term use can lend to an accumulative effect of firming the skin.

I believe based on our research that DMAE has another even more important role to play in skin health. It can also have a detoxifying effect, by flushing lipofuscin from cells. What is lipofuscin you ask? And why is it so important to know?

Lipofuscin is extracellular waste. When toxins, metals and other wastes accumulate in the body and cannot be flushed they are deposited into the skin cells and other organs in the body. If enough of this is deposited, the cells start breaking down and they do not duplicate properly. You may also see lipofuscin accumulation as “liver spots” or other “age” spots on your skin. This has far greater implications for your overall health, but I will focus on skin health for this article.
It has been theorized that lipofuscin when accumulated in large amounts in cells and organs can actually cause their functionality to decrease. So if you look at this in skin, it makes sense that lipofuscin in skin can cause the skin to not function as well.

Enter – DMAE. Using DMAE is an excellent choice since one thing DMAE is very, very good at is eliminating the lipofuscin from the cells so that they can function again.

Another important aspect of DMAE.. Remember when I said that DMAE is related to choline? Choline is one of the organic compounds found in lipids. Lipids are fat soluble compounds such as oils!

When you think of how things move around our body, they need pathways to do this. I liken them to roads in and out of our body. That is why lipids are so very important to proper functioning of our body (skin and organs) If these pathways or “roads” are blocked in our cells, skin, organs etc, they cannot function properly.

I theorize that DMAE can help get these pathways functioning again by increasing choline in the skin. By increasing the choline in the skin, it then has the pathways to flush the lipofuscin from the cells and return them to their healthy state.

Based on my research we theorize that using DMAE in conjunction with other antioxidants we can begin to start healing our skin and stop the signs of aging and that is why I truly believe that DMAE should be in your arsenal for skincare!

The only drawback to this ingredient is the SMELL! It has a very very strong smell, almost like a perm, ammonia or strong fish!
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