Take a nice luxurious bath (or shower) with our Exfoliating Crystal Body Wash
Extra Tip: add in some epsom salts to your bath to take away aches and pains
Wash your hair with our Locks of Lovely Shampoo
Then apply any of our Hair Serums/Conditioners (enough to cover the hair) You do not need to wash this out! :)
After you get out of the bath or shower, apply our After Bath Conditioning Oil or Creamy Body Lotion to skin that is still wet. (this will help it sink in better)
Apply Lemon Hand and Foot Cream to your feet and leave on overnight. Wear socks for increased effect. This will leave your feet soft and moistened!
If you are dealing with very cracked feet you might consider our Heel My Heals Foot Balm
Apply our Cuticle Rejuvenator to your nails, then our Creamy Hand or Body Lotion or Flirty Body Creme to your hands (wear gloves overnight for increased moisture!)
Apply our Healing and Soothing Lip Balm to your lips!
Listen to some chill out music and read your favorite book in your favorite spot!
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